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We are on a mission.

Our company is developing the most innovative NLP analytical cloud for document comprehension. Our XPA solution (data-eXtract Process Automation) will be a virtual analytical agency to create NLP tools and train machine learning models with no programming skills.

Join us now!

W ramach projektu realizowanego w ramach AAL 2021 budujemy zespół do przeprowadzenie prac badawczo-rozwojowych poprzez stworzenie aplikacji dostosowanej do potrzeb osób starszych. Projekt „CREATE - Dziel się przeszłością, twórz przyszłość” realizowany jest w ramach umowy z Narodowym Centrum Badań i Rozwoju.
Więcej informacji oraz instrukcja jak aplikować w dokumentacji pod linkiem poniżej. 

As part of the project implemented under AAL 2021, we are building a team to conduct research and development work by creating an application tailored to the needs of older people. The project "CREATE - Share the past, create the future" is carried out under an agreement with the National Centre for Research and Development. More information and application instructions can be found in the documentation at the following link.

Senior Data Scientist
Senior Data Scientist
  • You will create a virtual analytical agency as a SaaS that will analyse the content of large volumes of legal, business and finance documents.

  • Your goal will be to develop a high-precision analysis tool to find the right text parts and identify names, values, dates, budgets, descriptions, features, opinions or conditions.

  • You will use statistical and machine learning techniques to create scalable solutions for textual data analysis.

  • You will lead and perform R&D subprojects to drive the discovery of a new generation of products.

  • You will establish scalable, efficient and automated processes for Big Data analysis, model development, validation and implementation.

  • You will work with our Product Owners to determine your machine learning projects' KPIs.

Data Scientist
  • You will assist the Senior Data Scientist in their work.

  • You will design, develop and apply tools to process verbose types of documents.

  • You will build efficient and robust machine learning models for cognitive services.

  • You will set up processes to monitor and continually update and improve the efficiency and performance of said models.

  • You will communicate with the Product Owners and the Business and Marketing teams to report your progress and provide them with intelligible technical material for promotional purposes.

AI Researcher
Artificial Intelligence Researcher
  • You will assist the leading NLP engineer in their work.

  • You will take on every new problem in your field and evaluate and research them before advising a solution.

  • You will solve challenging NLP problematics and work with Big and small Data to create intelligent and tailored solutions.

  • You will design and implement our core NLP-powered products.

  • You will be part of the promotional effort and be an advocate for our solutions and technologies.

Deep Learning
Deep Learning Engineer
  • You will design and implement algorithmic optimisations to extract maximum performance out of the Docmatic architecture.

  • You will work closely with both the Back-End and DevOps teams.

  • You will optimise the preprocessing and post-processing code to run efficiently on the target devices and leverage CUDA kernels to minimise latencies and run times.

  • You will develop and implement customised optimisations on models, leveraging internal datasets and benchmarks.

  • You will evaluate and find solutions to offer the best experience of Docmatic to every user.

Still not sure?

Drop us a message and we'll talk.

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